Elongated eye terminal UNAV 4251.2/DIN 83313A **

Size Code W.L.L. Rope
UNAV 4388
A B C E H Weight
  t (*) Ø max mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
1,60 77.523.001 1,60 12-14 19 15 37 76 155 0,7
2,50 77.523.002 2,50 14-18 24 19 45 89 182 1,2
3 77.523.003 3,15 16-20 26 21 50 98 202 1,5
4,00 77.523.004 4,00 18-22 30 24 54 106 220 2,0
5,00 77.523.005 5,00 20-24 34 27 60 117 245 3,1
6 77.523.006 6,30 22-28 38 30 67 131 275 4,2
8,00 77.523.008 8,00 26-30 42 33 73 143 300 5,8
10,00 77.523.010 10,00 28-34 45 36 80 160 330 8,0
12 77.523.012 12,50 32-38 51 41 89 179 370 11,0
16,00 77.523.013 16,00 36-44 56 46 100 200 415 15,0
20,00 77.523.014 20,00 40-50 62 50 110 224 460 20,0
25,00 77.523.015 25,00 44-54 69 55 120 246 505 27,0
32 77.523.831 31,50 50-62 76 61 132 270 555 35,0
40,00 77.523.840 40,00 58-72 85 68 150 308 630 50,0
50,00 77.523.850 50,00 62-76 94 77 165 339 695 67,0

* Safety factor 5:1.

** withdrawn norms

On request the spelter sockets can be supplied hot zinc galvanised.